My friend Bryan has been a father and househusband for over 10 years. When I rang him and discovered his has another daughter, I asked him how come. He told me that he used condom. So there was leakage of that condom. This is not the first case I have come across. My relative got pregnant and told my wife that her husband had used condom. So that condom had leakage also. Contraceptive pill is 97% safe. But some women due to hormone imbalance, they cannot take such pill. So condom must go together with spermicidal contraceptive pessaries. Another option is medicated Intrauterine Contraceptive Device(IUCD)子宮環. The cost is few thousand HK dollars. One should not go to Family Planning Organization家計會 for the non- medicated子宮環 for it is cheap. Our other friend went to家計會 for the non- medicated子宮環 and as a result she was pregnant. Real stories sharing and experience sharing is very important.